Sunday, June 25, 2006

if i'm the England head coach

Been doing nothing much these days, basically playing and sleeping all day long; leading to a very serious illness - Daydreaming.

Daydream-ed lots of stuffs, all but one worth me to remember, and that is if i'm the England head coach for the World Cup... mwahahaha!

Da LC 4-4-1-1 Formation

Goalkeeper: Paul Robinson

Left-Back : Ashley Cole
Right-Back: Gary Neville
Centre : John Terry & Rio Ferdinand

Left-Wing : Joe Cole
Right-Wing : David Beckham/Aaron Lennon
R Centre : Aaron Lennon/Frank Lampard/Steven Gerrard
L Centre : Steven Gerrard/Frank Lampard

Forward : Peter Crouch/Steven Gerrard/Frank Lampard

Striker : Wayne Rooney/Theo Walcott

Alright, now some explaination for why, why and why.

How The System Works?

When Attacking

The winger will forward run, with the sides back overlapping. 80% of the time he will dribble the ball to middle and try to create chances for target man or far shooter like Steven Gerrard or Frank Lampard. If the attack is on the left side, only the left-back will overlap, the right back will stay in the defensive line and vice versa.

As for the runs in the centre, if one move up, the other one shall move down as a holding midfielder; e.g Steven Gerrard moves up and Frank Lampard will move down. There is also a very interesting notion that, there'll only be one far shooter in the centre midfield, while the centre midfielder will give way to Aaron Lennon. Why? simply because David Beckham will most likely to be marked tightly due to his laser-guided crosses (if he's on form), which means that he will have a hard time receiving the ball as well as keeping it in possession, thus with Aaron Lennon running around with his very fast pace, Aaron Lennon will not only be able to support David Beckham on the right, he will also be able to cut the ball into the middle.

A big why for Peter Crouch is in that position?
Judging from his performance so far, i realised that he seldom breaks into opponent's line of defense and takes a crack, and most of the time he will only be in the six yard box when there's a cross or indirect freekick. Other than that, he prefers to show some of his footworks a few yards infront of the midfield and placing the ball for far shooter. By placing Peter Crouch there, he can head down long balls from the defenders or goalkeeper to keep possesion for the English side in the opponent's half.

As for Wayne Rooney, i believe that he has a great ability to hold the ball in the opponent's half as well as some defensive line breaking. With the supplement of balls from pacey midfielders, the English side will have a higher chance of scoring.

When Defending

Everyone will position themselves at their own half, except for Peter Crouch. Wayne Rooney should also be around Peter Crouch but will be positioned within the England's own half. By having these positioning, it will be easier to lead a counter attack, with Peter Crouch heading down the ball and Rooney and the pacey midfielders shall lead the attack.

mwahaha i'm crazy.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Chalet, the combination of fun, excitement and fear.

Chalet's over.

Oh yeah it's fun! All the talking crap sessions and stuffs.

And of course it's exciting! Especially our mini World Cup matches and watching the real World Cup matches. Yep it's exciting, really.

Fear. Some... stuffs happened in our chalet. Shall not elaborate.

But it was a nonetheless a wonderful chalet!

Some words;

Junhao: Hey bro relax yeah, over liao.

Chris: Shh, next time don't anyhow say, no i'm not blaming you. You made the chalet alot funnier! Hoooo!

Weeliang: You need a thicker material pants. Nice run to the through ball, really!

Jiaxin: Gosh, you're brave!

Yushan & Yunxie: Tunisia, 20 bucks. Noooo!!!

Binglong: Luckily we didn't use the metal drain, lol.

Siyi: Happy Birthday!

Kahyee: Relax! Relax! Relax!

Ailing: Relax! Relax! You need one lesser Relax! than Kahyee, lol.

Weetiong: Did you actually arrive before you actually arrive?

Enhua: Zai! lol.

Mabel: Thanks!

Kathy: Chocolate and Vanila ice cream.

Let's just remember the fun =)

Friday, June 09, 2006

World Cup; The Innocent Child

World cup will start, in like 10 hours time?

I'm so excited!

Hope England can get something out of it.

But no, i not a England fan. I'm rooting for the English simply because there are a few Tottenham's players in the squad; Paul Robinson, Jermaine Jenas, Aaron Lennon and Michael Carrick.

Go! England go!

More like, Go! Spurs's players go!


Anyway, check out this pic; It's cool isn't it?

And my mood of the day is ...

World Cup is here!! Woohoo!

Anyway, suddenly remember some incident from my childhood. Kinda foolish of me actually. I'm not sure, but i should be around 6 or 7 year old.

Me: IForgetHisNameAlready, wat eish yor teddyfone naber?

HisNameThatIHaveForgotten: Eu gib me twenti cents ten i dell eu.

Me: Orh-k.

*Gives him a 10 cent coin and 2 x 5 cent coins

HisNameThatIHaveForgotten: My teddyfone naber is ...

Me: Wdah?

HisNameThatIHaveForgotten: Eu latar in resess dreat me eat eye-cru-lim ten i dell eu.

Me: Wad eye-cru-lim?

HisNameThatIHaveForgotten: i wan paddle pop.

Me: Orh-k.

HisNameThatIHaveForgotten: My teddyfone naber ee !@#$%^&.

Me: Wuy eu say so bast?

HisNameThatIHaveForgotten: Eu dreat me link ki-ka-po ten i dell eu again.

*Takes out my wallet and count the number of coins i have; No i don't have any notes.

Me: Orh-k.

HisNameThatIHaveForgotten: My teddyfone naber ee 123456.

*I quickly write down his Six Digit number on a piece of tissue paper.

Me: Dank eu!

Yes i did treat him to what i promise him to.

Damn, i'm a fool. So call the innocent-ness of children.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Not yours, No rights, No take!

Well this incident happened a few days ago...

So here goes;

One sunny afternoon, after some activities at compass point, i accompanied Serena home, alight bus 83 and we went to the second last right seat of the bus (the last seat is an entire row). After half of the journey, a uncle, who is around 55, boarded the bus and this is the point where everything started.

The uncle sat at the seat next to us, fidgeted awhile, turned his head left, turned his head right and his eyes widened, reached out to the last seat, grabbed a lost handphone (Sony Ericsson 750i), and quickly stuffed the lost phone into his plastic bag.

Alas, i saw them all.

The uncle realised that someone was watching him, and quickly thought of a way to cover everything up. He took out his own Nokia 3310 (if not, some old big nokia phone) and act as if he was sms-ing.

After a short discussion with Serena, i decided to approach the uncle; here's the conversation:

It was a chinese conversation but i'm going to translate into english, simply because the chinese dictionary in the tiny section of my brain has turn terribly mouldy.

Me : Uncle, just now the phone at the back, is not yours right?

Uncle : *smile foolishly* Er, not mine, you know who's is it?

Me : No, i don't. Since the phone doesn't belongs to you, i think you should surrender it to bus driver.

Uncle : *Abit irritated* Ok ok, later i will give to the bus driver.

Me : I suggest you surrender it right now.

Uncle : *Irritated* I will pass it to the driver later.

*An auntie sitting infront of the uncle heard our conversation and turned around, looking at me confusingly.

Me : This uncle took a phone that does not belongs to him, he should surrender it to the bus driver immediately, right?

Auntie: Yes, yes, he should immediately hand it to the bus driver.

Me : Hand over the phone now and i shall pass it to the driver right away.

Uncle : *Stares at me, took out the lost phone from his plastic bag and passed it to me.

Me : *Took the phone, walk to the bus driver who was driving at the front of the bus (DUH?) and passed him the phone.

Uncle : *Stares at me as i walked back*

Me : *Smiled brightly at him*

*A few minutes later, time for me and Serena to alight*

Me : *Stood up* Uncle, it's not that i have anything not happy with you. It's just that things that don't belong to you shouldn't be in your possesion.

Uncle : *Stares at me*

*Me and Serena alighted the bus*

Me : *Looks through the bus's tinted glasses and smiled*

Auntie: *Smiled*

Uncle : *Stares at me*

End of story.

Here's a snapshot of the uncle.
(Credits to Serena with the highlighting of this pic)

Friday, June 02, 2006

Record Breaking!

In this post, you will see chris attempting to set a new world record, Hooooo!
Here goes!

Chris saying hi and getting ready to set the world record.
Chris assessing and gauging the situation.
Chris getting into the ready position...

Here he go!


He did it! It's a new world record!


You can catch the full video @ chris's blog!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

1st School Post

This post will have alot of Hoo!; please bear with it =


Nothing much to post about..

Went to school this morning as usual, everything was normal. Bus flooded with fellow NgeeAnnians, and the legendary overhead bridge too.

Bright and sunny morning with many people on the bus as well as the bridge, Hoo!

Attended the first lesson of the day, a Wireless Tech practical. Used the lab computer to log in my Utopia.

200k aka 200,000 N/W aka Networth, Hoo!

Chris folded his ber-mu-da into a hot-pant; and acted the infamous Hard Gay from Japan.

That's where all the Hoo! come about. For those who don't know what Hard Gay is all about: Go and search for Hard Gay; you'll see.

Chris/Hard Gay Hoo!

Went for a 1 hour and 43min break after that; ate lunch.

Food for thought, Hoo!

Proceeded to a empty computer lab as we had lots of time to spare. There is this guy studying/doing work inside.

Lonely guy studying with displayed on his screen, Hoo! We became very noisy and the poor lonely guy continue studying with displayed on his screen with constant turns of head to look at us.

Is it that hard to know what we are doing?

We are making noise, and you're studying! Hoo!

We are not trying to, but we are indeed disturbing you, Hoo!

After break was eBusiness Foundations, a short 45mins. Me, Chris and Henry went to the printing room to print some stuff after that.

Abit of confusion happened, something about 'Access Denied' of the printers. We managed to print some of the stuff, but we were mostly filling up papers of printer from the paper tray of another paper.

Me, Chris and Henry the Printer Paper Refiller! Hoo!

And now I am writing this post in Object-Orientated Analysis & Design, Hoo! And chris is still folding up his ber-mu-da.

Chris/Hard Gay Hoo!

Nothing to write already, bye!

This is a production of Just Another Boring Post (JABP)