Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Not yours, No rights, No take!

Well this incident happened a few days ago...

So here goes;

One sunny afternoon, after some activities at compass point, i accompanied Serena home, alight bus 83 and we went to the second last right seat of the bus (the last seat is an entire row). After half of the journey, a uncle, who is around 55, boarded the bus and this is the point where everything started.

The uncle sat at the seat next to us, fidgeted awhile, turned his head left, turned his head right and his eyes widened, reached out to the last seat, grabbed a lost handphone (Sony Ericsson 750i), and quickly stuffed the lost phone into his plastic bag.

Alas, i saw them all.

The uncle realised that someone was watching him, and quickly thought of a way to cover everything up. He took out his own Nokia 3310 (if not, some old big nokia phone) and act as if he was sms-ing.

After a short discussion with Serena, i decided to approach the uncle; here's the conversation:

It was a chinese conversation but i'm going to translate into english, simply because the chinese dictionary in the tiny section of my brain has turn terribly mouldy.

Me : Uncle, just now the phone at the back, is not yours right?

Uncle : *smile foolishly* Er, not mine, you know who's is it?

Me : No, i don't. Since the phone doesn't belongs to you, i think you should surrender it to bus driver.

Uncle : *Abit irritated* Ok ok, later i will give to the bus driver.

Me : I suggest you surrender it right now.

Uncle : *Irritated* I will pass it to the driver later.

*An auntie sitting infront of the uncle heard our conversation and turned around, looking at me confusingly.

Me : This uncle took a phone that does not belongs to him, he should surrender it to the bus driver immediately, right?

Auntie: Yes, yes, he should immediately hand it to the bus driver.

Me : Hand over the phone now and i shall pass it to the driver right away.

Uncle : *Stares at me, took out the lost phone from his plastic bag and passed it to me.

Me : *Took the phone, walk to the bus driver who was driving at the front of the bus (DUH?) and passed him the phone.

Uncle : *Stares at me as i walked back*

Me : *Smiled brightly at him*

*A few minutes later, time for me and Serena to alight*

Me : *Stood up* Uncle, it's not that i have anything not happy with you. It's just that things that don't belong to you shouldn't be in your possesion.

Uncle : *Stares at me*

*Me and Serena alighted the bus*

Me : *Looks through the bus's tinted glasses and smiled*

Auntie: *Smiled*

Uncle : *Stares at me*

End of story.

Here's a snapshot of the uncle.
(Credits to Serena with the highlighting of this pic)


Blogger rain said...

Good Job!!! Hero sia... =P put up a tagboard lehx.. so we can tag after reading...

10:24 PM  
Blogger L C said...

i lazy lolx.. i also dunno how to T.T

4:35 PM  
Blogger Maine said...

brother! you should have taken the phone and alight. i want that phone T_T buy me one =DDDD

www.cbox.com or smth. for a tagboard btw. =p

1:58 AM  

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