Friday, June 09, 2006

World Cup; The Innocent Child

World cup will start, in like 10 hours time?

I'm so excited!

Hope England can get something out of it.

But no, i not a England fan. I'm rooting for the English simply because there are a few Tottenham's players in the squad; Paul Robinson, Jermaine Jenas, Aaron Lennon and Michael Carrick.

Go! England go!

More like, Go! Spurs's players go!


Anyway, check out this pic; It's cool isn't it?

And my mood of the day is ...

World Cup is here!! Woohoo!

Anyway, suddenly remember some incident from my childhood. Kinda foolish of me actually. I'm not sure, but i should be around 6 or 7 year old.

Me: IForgetHisNameAlready, wat eish yor teddyfone naber?

HisNameThatIHaveForgotten: Eu gib me twenti cents ten i dell eu.

Me: Orh-k.

*Gives him a 10 cent coin and 2 x 5 cent coins

HisNameThatIHaveForgotten: My teddyfone naber is ...

Me: Wdah?

HisNameThatIHaveForgotten: Eu latar in resess dreat me eat eye-cru-lim ten i dell eu.

Me: Wad eye-cru-lim?

HisNameThatIHaveForgotten: i wan paddle pop.

Me: Orh-k.

HisNameThatIHaveForgotten: My teddyfone naber ee !@#$%^&.

Me: Wuy eu say so bast?

HisNameThatIHaveForgotten: Eu dreat me link ki-ka-po ten i dell eu again.

*Takes out my wallet and count the number of coins i have; No i don't have any notes.

Me: Orh-k.

HisNameThatIHaveForgotten: My teddyfone naber ee 123456.

*I quickly write down his Six Digit number on a piece of tissue paper.

Me: Dank eu!

Yes i did treat him to what i promise him to.

Damn, i'm a fool. So call the innocent-ness of children.


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