Thursday, June 01, 2006

1st School Post

This post will have alot of Hoo!; please bear with it =


Nothing much to post about..

Went to school this morning as usual, everything was normal. Bus flooded with fellow NgeeAnnians, and the legendary overhead bridge too.

Bright and sunny morning with many people on the bus as well as the bridge, Hoo!

Attended the first lesson of the day, a Wireless Tech practical. Used the lab computer to log in my Utopia.

200k aka 200,000 N/W aka Networth, Hoo!

Chris folded his ber-mu-da into a hot-pant; and acted the infamous Hard Gay from Japan.

That's where all the Hoo! come about. For those who don't know what Hard Gay is all about: Go and search for Hard Gay; you'll see.

Chris/Hard Gay Hoo!

Went for a 1 hour and 43min break after that; ate lunch.

Food for thought, Hoo!

Proceeded to a empty computer lab as we had lots of time to spare. There is this guy studying/doing work inside.

Lonely guy studying with displayed on his screen, Hoo! We became very noisy and the poor lonely guy continue studying with displayed on his screen with constant turns of head to look at us.

Is it that hard to know what we are doing?

We are making noise, and you're studying! Hoo!

We are not trying to, but we are indeed disturbing you, Hoo!

After break was eBusiness Foundations, a short 45mins. Me, Chris and Henry went to the printing room to print some stuff after that.

Abit of confusion happened, something about 'Access Denied' of the printers. We managed to print some of the stuff, but we were mostly filling up papers of printer from the paper tray of another paper.

Me, Chris and Henry the Printer Paper Refiller! Hoo!

And now I am writing this post in Object-Orientated Analysis & Design, Hoo! And chris is still folding up his ber-mu-da.

Chris/Hard Gay Hoo!

Nothing to write already, bye!

This is a production of Just Another Boring Post (JABP)



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