Monday, October 27, 2008

111 days later.

It has exactly been 111 days since my last post, how cool is that?!

Ok, not totally cool I suppose.

To those peeps out there who has been bothering me to update my blog, you got what you want, so yeah.

Well, basically I'm now being a patriot protecting the country with my life. Well if you sense a tinge of sarcasm in my previous sentence, that's all for you to decide.

BMT was fun, meeting lots and lots of funny people. We eat together, train together, bath and shit together, individually in some sense i meant. Some people say, memories will fade together with time; I think it's bullshit. Unless I get shot in my head, or turn senile, I will never ever forget the days in BMT, especially the great buddies I met out there. You guys know who you are.

Now I'm being posted to another camp as an engineer doing things that are, basically classified. So I better not talk much about it, if not you'll see the headline of the newspaper in a few weeks time as "NSman exposed classified military secrets in his blog, thus he got his eyebrows plucked off". Hmm, that sounds wrong, how about "NSman exposed classified miltary secrets in his blog, thus he was promoted to an officer" Haha, ok jokes aside. It'll probably be "NSman exposed classified military secrets in his blog, thus jailed for 3 months" or something I suppose.

Anyway, somehow I've been into 'half' relationship for the past few months but things turned out rather undesirable and we somewhat broke up a good 2 weeks ago. I realised that there is no such things as "You reap what you sow" in this world for it is all but unfair; And now, in the night like a million before, I'm invited to the brotherhood of singlehood again.

But I always do believe that when you lose something, you'll gain something back in return, and vice versa. I don't mean to boast about myself but I find myself a rather giving-in person than most, thus in return people tend to take me for granted; It's all in the human nature I guess.

I hereby swear I'll learn to not be myself for once.

Let's talk about something more realistic now. Money is the universal word. I've been thinking on how to make big money at a young age. After thinking through in for almost everyday ever since I got enlisted, I have come to a conclusion that the higher the chance of any available business opportunity to make it big, comes along with a risk even bigger. Like this graph below.

Just because of this graph, with the constant gradient, alot of business making opportunities went to waste just because of the risk is too big. Thus, an 'upward force' is needed to force the gradient up, so that with the same amount of money made, the risk is decreased. Like this graph below.

I feel that the only applicable type of businesses whereby this upward force can use are IT businesses. In the field of IT businesses, there are unlimited amount of opportunities out there for people to grab, develop and flourish. Though IT businesses seldom last for long, but they are well known for the capability for an income burst. A very good local example is Starting some 3 years ago, 5 university students started this website to provide up-to-date information about the latest IT hardwares to the masses. The website then expanded to cater to the IT-hungry people in other countries like Malaysia, Philipines, Thailand and Australia. From a measly 2-digits number of members to a today high of more than 800,000 members. SPH saw the huge growing potential of and bought it for SGD$7.1 million dollars.

7.1 million dollars!!! it's an average worth of 3.5 million packets of chicken rice or bar chor mee one can buy in his life!

Using the success of as my motivation, I'll work hard to reach my 3.5 million packets of chicken rice mark.

I have already had an idea in mind though, not sure it'll work but I'll never know unless I try it.

Ok, guess I'll stop here, got to go bath and go back to serve the nation soon.

Don't ask me about the 'upward force', I've yet to sort it out.



Blogger Maine said...

it doesn't pay to be kind. the better you treat others, the more they take you for granted. the worse you treat them, the more they want to get close to you. so you decide. I'm trying to decide.

6:21 PM  
Blogger Ryuo said...

Hey remember to count me in your big money plan HAHA! Anw i saw one of your BMT bunk mate in Sembawang Air Base. He's Simon if I'm not wrong

11:47 AM  

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