Friday, April 11, 2008

yet another post!

following up from the previous post..

I'm seriously underpaid in financial terms, but I'm overpaid in other terms, hee hee.

The disco staffs like to say 'fucking hell'.

It's all about clearing glasses, clearing glasses and more clearing glasses.

Diana is friendlier when she's drunk.

Dennis is nastier when he's drunk.

Freda really came in Zouk as a cashier.

Mambo songs are nice.

I got stepped by a fat shuffler in the dance floor, fucking hell.

I gave Sheila hugs, hugs and more hugs.

The Girl and the Fat (inside joke)

I saw a lady with rather well off composure vomited instant noodles.

I'm really getting sick of the dinner they provide.

Lorina's chinese name is Ling Na hahaha.

George said Sheila looks like Serena, omg.

Jack is the best captain amongst all the others.

Hmm.. that's all for now.

Shannon tagged me.. so here goes:

Real name: Han Liangchou AKA LC in Zouk
Nicknames: Er.. Chou?
Married: No
Male/Female: Male, duh.
High School: Xinmin Secondary
Polytechnic: Ngee Ann Poly
University: -

Short or long hair: What hair? LOL. Short lah.
Are you a healthy freak: I don't take drugs.
Height: 1.78m
Do you have a crush on someone?: I doubt I have the ability to crush someone with brute force.
Do you like yourself?: Nope, I did way too many things that I shouldn't.
Righty or lefty: Righty

Surgery: I'm still surgically-virgin
Piercing: None, all the holes on me are natural.
Person you see in the morning: I see drunk people.
Award: I can't really remember
Sport you joined: Basketball
Vacation: Malaysia, going to Taiwan soon!
Concert: Nah..

Eating: Air
Drinking: Air
Im about to: Press enter to the next line.
your future...
want kids: Football team, haha!
Want to get married: That depends.
Careers in mind: Whichever that can offers me the most money.

which is better?
Lips or eyes?: You can't possibly french-kiss a pair of eyes right? Anyway, it depends.
Hugs or kisses: Hugs.. from the front, haha!
Shorter or taller: Should be taller ba, what do you think?
Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic and spontaneous lol.
Sensitive or loud: Sensitive I suppose. But I can be loud too
troublemaker or hesitant?: I doubt I'm a troublemaker, so I'm hesitant?

Have you ever...kissed a stranger: Yeah..
drank bubbles: WTF?
lost glasses/contacts: Yeah, my right contact lens dropped 3 weeks ago
ran away from home: Unless I sleepwalk, no.
liked someone younger: Yeah..
liked someone older: Nope..
broke someone's heart: Yep.
Cried when someone died: Yes

Do you believe in...
Yourself: Which side of me?
Miracles: Not really, unless I'm bestowed with one.
Heaven: Probably.
Santa claus: O the great Santa, please grant me an Audi R8.
Magic: Not really.
Angels: Not really.

Answer truthfully...
Ys there someone you want to be with right now?
Nope, not really.


Blogger Maine said...

Orh Hor!! You gave hugs and more hugs! orh hor.

9:29 AM  
Blogger EdeN said...


1:36 AM  

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