Saturday, March 15, 2008

Idiotic lo

Working at zouk is tiring.

Anyway just wanted to rant on something that happened while working this morning.

I'll just cut it short...

Senior asked me to clear several glasses and jugs left unattended on a certain area.

I approach two nearest groups of customers, inquiring whether if the drinks belong to them/or if they don't want it anymore.

Both said it's not theirs. Ok fine, so i start clearing by picking up a piece of crumpled serviette and throw it into one of the jug (which was still half full of tiger draught).

Then this fucked up customer from the left nearest group of customers approached me and shouted, ' What are you doing?!'.

I courteously told him that his friend told me that the drink does not fucking... I mean does not belong to them.

His friend looked at him and said, 'I don't know it's ours.'

Yet still he ignored his friend and stared at me.

Nevermind, customer comes first. I tried my best to produce an apologetic look and said sorry while placing my hand on his shoulder at the same time.

Then he looked at my hand on his shoulder as if my hands are full of his girlfriend's monthly... erm, discharge.

He shouted, 'What are you doing?!', again. Of course I removed my hands from his shoulder.

After which he stared at me with the essence of 'I am going to beat you up' for several seconds before shaking his head and move away.

Fucked up right?

First of all, you're dumb to leave your drinks unattended. If the crowd is little then nevermind as seats are everywhere. But the place was so bloody crowded and yet you still leave you drinks at one place while you guys shifted to another, taking up even more seats? Assholes.

Secondly, it's your geek-looking friend who said that the drinks does not belong to you guys, of course I'll clear la, I'm there to work, not to play lo. If you wanna fuck and throw your pathetic childish tantrum on someone, fucking do it on your friend and not me.

Thirdly, his geek-looking friend don't even tried to help the situation even though he himself know that he started the whole scenario. Fucking piece of shit. He just sat there throughout as if nothing is happening.

Fourth, if you're a head shorter than me, body width probably just over half of me, and you still think you can whack me up, HA HA HA. You can try.


Anyway, something out of this topic.

You can do this to me, I don't fucking care. But the rest of them are you friends for 8 years, and some even more. Can't you see that your actions had hurt them? My disappointment counts for nothing compared to theirs. If you want to keep it that way, fine. I wish you happiness from the depth of my disappointment. Cheers.


Blogger EdeN said...

On the Z0uk topic, i shall laugh at it...


12:07 AM  
Blogger Maine said...

It's okay. We all wish for the best of our friends, whether or not we are regarded as theirs. (:


Mei misses you! (=

3:24 PM  

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