Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Try reading it

Aoccdrnig to a rschearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltter is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe. Waht do you tinhk?


Monday, May 29, 2006

Poke My Ass

Went home after a short pooling session with Sebas.

Wait freakingly long for bus 119; lets say 25mins?


Anyway, alight the short-of-wheels bus and walk through the carpark to my block, entered the lift, press the 3rd floor button and a funny incident happened.

*Lift door was about to close when a middle-aged man rushed in and press the 'Door Open' button.

(The middle-aged man will be known as 'Geek' from here onwards)

Geek: Hurry Up!

*A middle-aged women entered the lift, Geek's wife i suppose.

(The middle-aged women will be known as 'ArrogantGeektress'; She's keeps her nose above her eyes.)

ArrogantGeektress: Children,en,en,en,en,n,n!!

Geek: Hurry Up!

*Small boy(no more than 7) ran in the lift with a small girl(no more than 7). Small girl was chasing the small boy with her index finger aiming at the small boy's butt.

(Small boy will be known as 'SaveMyAss' and small girl will be known as 'ILoveMyBrotherAss' from now onwards)

SaveMyAss & ILoveMyBrotherAss: *Giggle*

(ArrogantGeektress pressed the 4th floor button and laid back, without pressing the 'Door Close' button.)

*5 seconds later, the door closed.

SaveMyAss & ILoveMyBrotherAss: *Giggle*

(ILoveMyBrotherAss starts poking SaveMyAss's Ass again.)

SaveMyAss: *Giggle* Stop poking my ass! *Giggle*

ILoveMyBrotherAss: *Giggle* It's better that smacking your butt right? *Giggle*

(SaveMyAss is leaning face down at the one side of the lift wall, while ILoveMyBrotherAss is poking harder and harder.)


SaveMyAss: *Giggle*

ILoveMyBrotherAss: *Giggle* See my special power! Powerblast/Powerpuff/Currypuff Poke Butt!

(ILoveMyBrotherAss uses all her strength as poke/push (I didn't see as they were behind me playing.) SaveMyAss's Butt, thus causing SaveMyAss's lower body to smack forcefully forward against the lift wall)

*I took a step out of the lift, to my amazement, i heard:

SaveMyAss: MY COCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*SaveMyAss's voice echoed through the 3rd floor corridor as the lift door was open.

I started walking through the corridor towards my unit.

Oh, not sure if i'm mistaken, but i did felt a great sense of urgency that someone was pressing quick and hard on the 'Door Close' button.


Sunday, May 28, 2006

Something funnY

Yesterday @ Queensway Shopping Centre Level 2 Gents, 3:40pm

Actors: yK lC jH wT wL
Title: Singapore Idol Commercial rE-Act

yK and lC are using the urinal
jH, wT and wL using the sink

lC: Ehh, you all got see the commercial? The Singapore Idol One..

yK: Huh?

jH, wT and wL gather around yK and lC, who are still using the urinal

wT: Which one?

jH: ???

wL: ???

lC: Got the Dick Lee that one.. the Singapore Idol judge. The commercial shows him being disturb while peeing.

yK: Oh! I remember le!

wT: Yeah!

jH: ???

wL: ???

yK: Damn i can't seem to remember the song.

wT: Which song ah..?

jH: ???

wL: ???

jH and wL still kinda blur


lC looks at yK(both are still using the urinal; NO, there's absolutely nothing wrong with their bladders.)

lC: Raindrops keep falling on my head...

yK, wT, jH and wL stunned.





All: ...


yK: You can touch this, ding ding! (Pointing his finger at his chest)


yK: Ding ding..


yK: You can touch, (1.725436735453 seconds later) THIS! (Pointing his finger at his chest)

Funny right?!


Friday, May 26, 2006


Yeah! Finally found some free time out of my busy studying schedule (<-bullshit) to create a blog.

Yes a blog. Nothing much to boast about lol.

Anyway, went to school this morning for Events Mgmt. Updated mrChua on our progress so far then we went on to Queen Sway Shopping Centre, or was it Queens Way?; to check out if there's any 'so-call-business-proposition-parntership' on our tee shirt printing event. Astonishing, there's 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, uncOuntableEe printing shops available, but only one provide equipments rental. Yes one. Out of the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, uncOuntableEe printing shops.


She's the manager of the company i think, not sure, but surely some big shots lol. Then yK called her as the one printing shop that provides equipments rental out of the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, uncOuntableEe printing shops is only a branch of the company, where the branch in-charge getting frenzyily(<- is there such word?) shock when we told her we want to source her printing machine. Guess she don't know that the company provides equipments rental.


Gosh, are my eyes kidding me?

But she's still very friendly though, i guess.

Anyway, we'll be meeting Monica at the branch in QSC tomorrow to discuss about our equipment rental proposition. I'll keep my fingers cross, probably my toes too, i'll get my mum and dad to join in if there's a need to, maybe everybody too; hopes that everything goes well!

Then we went to watch x-Men3 after a morning of heart-throbbing, sweat-wasting, blood-spilling hard work (lol?). Chris came to meet us around 1 hour before the movie, so got me, chris, junhao, weeliang, weetiong. weeeeeeee, had lotsa fun!

Not bad, not bad at all! i'll give a rating of 4.5 star if i'm a NewPaper movie critic.

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Word of the day: FURBALL (where wolverine uses that to call beast. funny isn't it?)
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

alllllright, till here then.

Night all, Peace out~!