Wednesday, July 19, 2006

my facts of Love

Love is like a newborn, blinded first by warming light.
Love is like an alloy of metals, good new sturdy and shiny.
Love is like a candy, sweetness lingers with every breath.
Love is like a box of chocolates, never will you know what's in it.
Love can bring you sunshine that you will not be able to see in the morning sky.

Love can be impulse,
Love can also be first-sighted.
Love can be forever,
Love can also be a moment.
Love can be sweet as the summer sky,
Love can also be bitter as the earthly soil.
Love can be an act of courage,
Love can also be an act of cowardly.
Love can be one's everything,
Love can also be one's nothing.
Love can be of pure desire,
Love can also be of pure lust.
Love can be important as the rising sun,
Love can also be important as the speck of dust.
Love can be everything you wished for,
Love can also be everything you detested for.
Love can be full of surprises,
Love can be dull and boring.
Love can bring one the warmest joy and laughter,
Love can also bring one the darkest fear and sadness.
Love can be nothing but the truth,
Love can also be nothing of the truth.
Love can make you complete,
Love can also take away the last piece of jigsaw of your life.
Love can give you life,
Love can also take away your soul.

Think on it.

I'm still in love =D

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Vainity! and i don't, i don't know what it means.

Is there a word such as vainity?


Anyway, went to school this morning and was a lil' late, 8 minutes perhaps? Attended the DB class and spent most of the time doing the SQL codes; A little messy in between, but things eventually turns out well. As i always say,

Boat reach boat head, automatically straight.


After that me, Chris, Sebas, WL, JH, YK went to Real Mall (or was it Rail Mall? Whatever.) but soon change our food hunt to Bukit Panjang Plaza as JH is sensitive to seafood and is short of $$.

YK then went home as we reached the Bukit Panjang Plaza. Went into a Black Shop... oops, i mean Sakura the Family Meal or whatever the name of the eating place was.

I ordered Twin Fish Fried Rice (AI SEH, Exquisite and Unique Name Sia, CONFIRM SONGZ!)

waited for around 3 mins.

Ta da! My Twin Fish Fried Rice arrived.

Guess what, in some unknown land of the globe in my mind (it's utterly limited i must say, lol) twin fish fried rice is equals to:

Salted Fish & Ikan Bilis Fried Rice.


The plate is of average size, but the contents can at most cover up half of the plate if squeezed together.

more kns.

Well, i tried to console myself that, at least they are seafood, and seafood are tend to be more expensive, and i started to eat.

NO! Those are not Salted Fish, those are Fished Salt.

Salty piece of shii... Salt!!!! If you don't bite, you can actually feel that tears are welling up your eyes by preservertives (<-wrong speeling) that are covered over the 'fish'

even more kns.

There are only 2 tiny weeny Ikan Bilis

Actually there are 2 and a 1/2, i can spot 1 of them without the body.

tmd kns.

i paid $4.50 for it.


All of the guys have more or less the same feeling as i except for Chris.

Damn, you should see the contents of his order, they are overflowing!!

Should have followed Chris into ordering the hotplate mee or something. sigh.

After that we walk around the plaza for digestion and accompanied me to the library. After that we went down and was ready to proceed back to sch; and we stumbled across a Watch Shop (is there a name for shops that sell watches? like cakes from bakery, etc)

I always wanted a watch, but i know that with the clumsiness that possess, it will be inevitable that i will damage it; thus i always refrain myself from getting the expensive silver straps watches.

I got 1 from the shop, and it's only $10.


Went back to school, do a lil practical, had dinner with Sebas and YK and.. that's all for today.

heh, a 10 bucks silver strap watch, hoo!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

I miss you

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Bad Refrees.

The World Cup is great!

As for the refreeing,


A Re-made incident
Actors: Jens Lahmann, Oliver Kang, Jurgen Kinkymann

Commentator: Germany and Argentina drew level on 1 - 1 after extra times and it will be a penalty shootout! The players are getting ready and it seems that the Germany Keeper, Lahmann is lying on the ground relaxing himself with Kinkymann whispering something into his ears. Oh, that's Oliver Kang walking over to Jens Lahmann, what can be the two competeting for the number 1 shirt talking about?

Oilver Kang: Hey bro, Jiayou hor, mai throw our face hor.

Jens Lahmann: Ya la ya la i know la.

Jurgen Kinkyman: Oi Kang, don't affect Lahmann mood hor, if he fail to save, we out world cup ah, damn paiseh lo.

Oilver Kang: Where got affect i trying to boost his morale lo.

*Kinkyman walks away to talk to other players

*Lahmann and Kang stares at each other

Oliver Kang: Hehe stress hor, if you fail to save hor... your Number 1 Shirt will be mine!! Mwahaha!

Jens Lahmann: Na bei, instead of encouragement you like that say.

Oliver Kang: Fail to save, fail to save, fail to save, fail to save! mwahahaha!

Jens Lahmann: Cham, kana affected liao. haiz.

Oliver Kang: Mwahahaha!


Commentator: Germany wins on 4 - 2 penalty shootout!!

Jens Lahmann: Song bo?!!!!!!

Oliver Kang: haiz.
