Monday, March 19, 2007


oh damn it, my WoW account has been hacked!

all my equips and money gone, vanished into the thin air! argh..

blardy hackers, if you're seeing this,

go get yourself a blardy life instead of jerking yourself with one hand and hacking with the other at the same time, and for goodness sake, wash off those smelly-pee-infested-dried-semen of your face (their semen comes with pee because they spent too much time on the chair, too engrossed with whatever shit they are doing; thus forgetting the way of human nature, and that is to urinate.)
before they become too dry and make you look like a lan jiao bin! argh!

anyway, after being hacked, i decided to give my computer a complete scan over and the results were:

Tracking Cookies (15 Infections)

Advertising (9 Infections)

WebDir (53 Infections)

Trojan.PSW.OnlineGames.ES (2 Infections)

Trojan.PWS.QQRob.V (23 Infections)

Trojan.Agent.ABF (42 Infections)

Caishow (5 Infections)

hmm... that makes a total of 149 infections! but with just a simple click on the Spyware Doctor, I can clear everything! Mwahaha


"Removal of detected threats requires a registered version of Spyware Doctor"

"To Puchase Spyware Doctor, please click Purchase Online"





thus for the past few hours i've been scourging the net for some free anti-virus, etc.

Any Suggestions anyone?!

i've tried AVG, Adaware and Spyware Terminator and all can't detect the threats i've mentioned earlier! Help~!!

sigh sigh sigh, seems like the year 2007 isn't a good year for me eh? aiya heck la.

anyway, it seems that i'm taking things much more easily, i can control myself and emotions better though. that's a good start i guess.

oh ya, Tottenham won Watford 3 - 1, and the second goal is scored by Paul Robinson the goalkeeper! Woala~!!


Blogger EdeN said...

yo yo...
find AVG anti virus... cool and frEE

8:33 PM  

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