Saturday, January 13, 2007


Here's some pic from Taiwan! =D

View from a HIGH-rise shopping mall in Taipei

View from 'Da-Gou' British Embassy or something. On a small hill though.

View from a narrow platform that leads to a lighthouse on the sea.

Night life in taiwan!

On the rail train, there person inside.. i don't know wtf is that -.-

You can find dogs in the night market! In other words, pasar malam!

Suana! or what ever it is. In chinese it's Wen Quan...

Love River at Gao Xiong!

Mer-Dragon? =D

When 'NO PARKING' means nothing.

There're lots more with my couins. Will post them if possible! =D


Blogger Maine said...

hahahaa. taiwan's quite a mess, aint it?

neways the dogs are so cute larhx. why din you get one back?(:

and and where's my hunk? there isnt any picture of my hunk. sobs.

3:01 PM  
Blogger ©rizz™ said...

halo... nice taiwan... bring mi there... i promise share room wif u... if u wan bed... oso can

12:28 PM  
Blogger L C said...

lol sis ur hunk refers to me arh ? =x

wtf chris.. i slp bed u slp floor lo lol

10:46 PM  
Blogger Yuki_Shermaine (Janice) said...

THE DOG's so cute...!!! I say to u befor when I saw u. Anyway always come to your blog to see the dog u know? lolx...! =) U never buy 1 come back eh...? Haha...!!!

7:42 PM  

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