Monday, October 30, 2006

Yet Just Another Boring Post!


It's been 3 weeks ever since school started.

My conclusion so far?

PM = Stress arh!
OOAD2 = 84 slides per chapter? WtF!
MAD = YEAH! Programming!
DOA = Dead Or Alive. DEAD.

I've been telling myself from day 1,

"Once school start, I shall not play too much of maple during weekdays"

Blah, I can't keep promises to myself.

Yay, my sniper level 92 le! This is how i look like:

Tah Dah~!

Okok, back to maple.



Blogger Maine said...

what sai sia. you siao maple sia. you siao. +siao +siaosiao +siaosiaosiaosiaosiaosiaosiao liaos. tsk tsk. mapling is not good fer health (:

miss euu loads. ):

12:03 AM  
Blogger L C said...

haha now no more 2x le, stop playing le =x

4:53 PM  

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