Wednesday, November 29, 2006


My blood boils.

My nose breathe fire.

My ears release smoke.

Can't believe that there are still REAL childish people in polytechnics; They probably missed their puberty period.

Was attending MAD Tutorial today, ok I was playing FM2007 all along i confess; Lol.
Some class from either year 1 or year 2 happened to be waiting along the corridor for their next class, which is next to the class i'm in. Most of them were outside the classroom they were supposed to enter later, and there's a bunch of guys from that class was standing outside my classroom instead; Space constraint, Ok, i can understand.

Then there's this one retarded guy from the group starts to lean on the wall like this:

The wall's fake by the way, so i can feel the pressure from the outside.

Don't really know what retarded shit they are talking about or whatever nonsense they are doing, the leaning idiot seems to move alot, knocks around alot or shaking his assthatisnearertohisfoot alot or whatever shit. Yes I can feel everything from the inside, for a second i thought Singapore was hit by a earthquake.

Ok nevermind, maybe soon they will be gone.

15 mins later and he is still moving his body like he's being doggy or whatever shit. Ok, my patience have limits. Lava's on the tip of the volcano.

Just then Enhua, Guanhui, Weetiong went to the toilet; As they were coming back, i hand-signed to them to ask the retards not to lean against the wall, and Enhua did; After that he came back to the classroom.


Fuck that knockings and pressure.

I walked out of the class room and shouted that guy not to lean, and here's what happened:

(All is in chinese, but i'll type it in english)

Me: Oi, can don't lean against the wall? We're having lesson.

Fucktard A: (Looks at me, act guai lan, blah blah) You saying me?

Me: Stop leaning, very gao wei, you keep on move move move, very disrupting.

Fucktard A: (Looks at me, act guai lan, blah blah) You saying me?

Can't believe that nowadays there are still retards in poly who don't know the very basic of human communication, which is that they can't even tell who is talking to them.

Me: (I sorta pull that guy off the wall) Stop leaning, you keep on knock knock knock, kan gao wei.

Fucktard B: (Approachs, points at his friend) He never bang.

Me: (Continues to explain 'nicely' that he shouldn't be banging and knocking against the wall)

Fucktard B: (Act guai lan, but the way he holds his laptop.. oooh, forget it) He never bang.

Fucktard B: He never bang.

Fucktard B: He never bang.

Me: (I turned my head and faced fucktard B close) I AM NOT TALKING TO YOU.

Haha, you should see the way he got dumbfounded!

Me: (Continue explaining to Fucktard A)


My lecturer comes out and i walked back in.

After that there were still a little knocks and pressure but it was much better.


Around 40 mins later.

Then Fucktard A walks past quickly and knock the outside of the classroom.

That childish isn't it? Pity their parents for giving birth to such unabletogrowup kids. Probably forgotten to grow their pubic hair. ZZZ.

Anyway, went to Partyworld with B.Mafias and Cailing a few days ago; Shall post some pics next time. Bye!


Fuck those inconsiderate childish pieces of shit.


Blogger ©rizz™ said...

lol... funni sia... but i reali wanna find him lei... my mood lately damn no gd la... can fight 4 once oso not bad...

10:36 PM  
Blogger Maine said...

hahahas. i think they have got deprived childhoods. so.. they come to poly to... learn how to knock on the door? (: chill brother!

5:56 AM  
Blogger L C said...

YEA my thoughts exactly. blardily childish lo. ZzZ

1:27 PM  
Blogger Maine said...

haha. dont blame them liaos larhx. being angry with them is equivalent to being angry with... a three year old kid for banging into your stomach!! hahas, worth it mahx? (:

7:19 PM  
Blogger L C said...

lol gd pt. anyway, when free? meet out and chill la

12:01 AM  
Blogger Maine said...

haha when free? i having my holidays now mahx. ask me out anytimes. pref, sundays. cuz alan's off day.(:

4:29 PM  

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