Thursday, May 10, 2007


ok from chris blog it requires me to play this game. so here goes.

Rules of the game is to write 10 things bout them like habits or known facts or something like that then in the end must write the 6 person to do again. i think that's the way.

bout me..

1) she was the main component of my happiness; that's a Was, for goodness sake.

2) i like to play basketball and pool, not poo, but Pool.

3) i like to get things done quickly, no no, not when it's the start of something. it's when it comes to the last minute of that something. lol.

4) go spurs go! <-- self explaintory

5) my bball jersey is number 14, but should be changing to 4 soon. 4 = die, may i die while play basketball. TO ALL THE READERS WHO READ THIS PLEASE TOUCH ANYTHING MADE OF WOOD WITHIN 10 SECONDS.

6) i feel like a prisoner of war in a packed train or bus, ESPECIALLY IN THE MORNING.


8) my birthday is coming mwahahaha. 20 i shall be. 3 more years to my revenge to Dragonfly mwa-ha-ha-ha.

9) i got a blog, it's, please do visit; thank you very much.

10) ineedher. but heecccckkkkkkk!! its WoW time$@^@$^&@$

ok write 6 names eh.

Paul Robinson

Ledly King

Jermain Jenas

Robbie Keane

Dimitar Berbatov


aiya i really dunno who to write lah, i shy.

sorry lah chris =x but at least i got write 10 rite?


Blogger ©rizz™ said...

kns... but hor... all the 6 ppl u named, i quite familar, i can help them get it done 4 u.... mwhauaaaaaaa

10:52 PM  
Blogger Maine said...

-_- finally an update from you. But aint what i hope it is. lol.

5:12 PM  

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